Monday, 16 May 2011

Monsters 2?

Really? Monsters was a really great film (see my review), but is a sequel really necessary? Ok, it seems to suggest that it'll be another story set in the same universe rather than a direct follow-up to the original, but it still seems odd to me. I know the critics loved it, but did Monsters really make enough money to justify a sequel? When I went to see it, there were all of about six people in the screen. A lot of the charm of the original was the shoestring budget, and a sequel will doubtless have significantly more money on hand, so it almost certainly won't be as impressive effects-wise. I won't condemn this one just yet, but it seems remarkably unnecessary, even by the standards usually set by sequels.

Also, I really dislike the news that there will be a lot more of the creatures in the sequel. Half of what made them interesting was that, up until the finale, they were only glimpsed, saving the big reveal for almost the final shot of the film. Putting more of them in the film will probably do for their appeal what flooding the Star Wars prequels with Jedi did for their mystique in the original films.

Source: Empire.