Monday 28 February 2011

Oscars 2011 and Superman

As most of you will know, the Oscars were last night, and there were very few surprises. The King's Speech took home Best Picture, Actor, Original Screenplay, and Director. I think everyone saw the first two coming; it's a bit of a surprise that Director didn't go to David Fincher for The Social Network, but it should have been Christoher Nolan's award anyway, so who cares. Toy Story 3 won Best Animated Feature, because, let's be honest, it's not called the Pixar Award for nothing. Inception, happily, did rather well, winning as many awards as Speech, albeit in the technical categories: Cinematography, Visual Effects, Sound Mixing, and Sound Editing. I suppose science fiction has to be happy with what it can get, which tends to be the technical awards. Sigh.

In light of there being almost nothing interesting to talk about with regards to the Oscars, let's talk about a rumour that I desperately want to be true. Apparently, Zack Snyder wants Viggo Mortensen to be General Zod in the upcoming Superman reboot, working title The Man of Steel. That's right. Aragorn could be Zod. Granted, this is very much a rumour at this stage, with nothing whatsoever to suggest it'll actually happen, not least that, in the past, it has been denied that Zod would be the villain. However, Snyder supposedly wants Mortensen for the role, and I think he'd be very good in it. While he tends not play out-and-out villains, he was excellent when playing morally grey, at best, characters in A History of Violence (which was also a comic book adaptation) and Eastern Promises. Obviously, the fact that they've said Zod won't be the villain is a problem, but I'm not sure who else it could be. Other than Zod, the only obvious choice is Lex Luthor, but he was the villain in three of the last five Superman films, four if you count Superman II. As I said, this is pure rumour at this stage, but it's still interesting to talk about.

Come on, Aragorn could be General Zod! Who doesn't want that?

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